2025 Executive Committee
Elected Officers
Phillip Campbell - W4PHC is a US Air Force Veteran and served as an EMT in the Athens Clark County area. First licensed in 2022, he holds a General Class Amateur Radio license and a GMRS license. After getting his GMRS license his interest in radios grew and he wanted more.
Philip served as club Vice President in 2024 and is Emergency Coordinator (EC) for Clarke County Amateur Radio Emergency Service® He is active in the Athens Clarke County ARES, with his interests in emergency communications, motorcycles, and community service.
Tony Killian - AK4TF
Chris Morgan - N5TOY
Kathleen McCook, KN4IJM, was first licensed in 2017. She holds a Technician class license which she earned at a Club VE session. Kathleen is a member of Clarke County ARES. Her father was an Air Radioman in WWII and she grew up fascinated by his facility at Morse Code. She teaches librarianship with a focus on how librarians can help communities in times of crisis. Her other interests include MLB and editing Wikipedia.
Bob Herrin, KE4JLL, was first licensed in 1994. Bob holds an Extra class license. He is a past president of the Athens Radio Club and has served the club as Public Information Officer. Bob's interests include emergency communications and public service. He is also a member of the volunteer examiner team and is Amateur Radio Emergency Service® Emergency Coordinator for Jackson and Banks Counties.
Derrec Utley KE4SIU
EX-Officio Members
AEC Athens/Clarke Co. (VEC, Repeater Trustee, Net Manager & SkyWarn Coordinator)
James L. Reeves, KF4AQO
2024 President, Bill McGee, N4WHM, was first licensed in 2013 and is a General Class operator. His interest in radio evolved after getting his GMRS license call sign WRKQ903 and realizing there was a much greater potential for radio communications. Bill enjoys putting his license to use by supporting UGA Stadium events, and local foot races. He is active in ARES at the local and state level, POTA, chasing DX, and contesting. Bill is an active member of the ARC VE team. Bill is also a member of the UGA CERT team since 2008. When not on the radio he works at UGA as the Director of Information Technology for Auxiliary Services at the University of Georgia.
Jess Hickey, N4JAH
Claude Ray, AC4SH, was first licensed in 1992 and hold an Amateur Extra Class license. His main interests in Ham Radio are Field Day and Parks on the Air.
Bill McGee, N4WHM - 2024
Jess Hickey, N4JAH - 2020-2023
Rick Waters, WA4ERS - 2018-2019
James Reeves, KF4AQO - 2016-2017
Stan Edwards, WA4DYD - 2014-2015
Erwin Greene, W4EEG - 2013
Robert Scales, KE4OGD - 2002
James Geeter, KG4CWA(SK) - 2001
Ed Rollor, N4ZRA - 1999-2000
Ken Schroder, N4NFI - 1998
Bob Herrin, KE4JLL